More Scoops for Upcoming Episodes

[Photo: ABC]

Here is Michael Ausiello from and his scoop about the next things to come on "Modern Family".  I think the racquetball game and the driving test will happen on "Moon Landing" episode.  It's the same episode where Cam and Jay will do some butt touching.  See for yourself . . .  

Question: Hey, mister, got any Modern Family scoop? —Sarah P.
 Ausiello: Yes, ma’am, I do. Coming soon to a TV near you…
* Luke and Ty go treasure hunting underneath the house.
* Haley takes her driving test.
* Cam challenges Jay to a game of racquetball.
* A vacation is in the works. “Our showrunners really wanna go to Hawaii,” says Eric Stonestreet (Cam). “I hear them hatching plots. And let’s face it, every great sitcom goes to Hawaii at some point.”
