Nolan Gould Talks About His "Modern Family"

[Photo: ABC]

Here is an interview of Nolan Gould from Portrait Magazine done by Eleni.  He's one of the brilliant kids on "Modern Family".  He's a natural when it comes to comedy.  He is amazing in the "Fizbo" episode.  Read this interview to get to know him more.

Hey Nolan! How are you?
I’m great thanks!

You are part of the cast of Modern Family. Can you tell us a bit about the show?
It’s the life of an American family, shot as a mockumentary. It’s about how they annoy each other but at the end of the day, they still love each other, no matter what.

What’s your character Luke like?

He gets no respect from the writers! They’re always thinking of new things for him to do and most people would think the things he does are stupid, but Luke thinks its genius! He’s an average kid, but he’s sweet inside!

Sounds like a fun character!
Oh yeah! He’s fun to play!

Are you anything like him?
People tell me that I’m like him in the sense that I’m sweet and curious about the world around me, but I don’t think I’m very much like Luke.

Is he naughtier than you?
Yeah he’s more mischievous than I am; more of a dare devil. He would take a pogo stick on a trampoline…I wouldn’t!

Which has been your favourite episode so far and why?
My favourite episode was Fisbo because I got to ride on a zip line, go on a rock-wall…I’m afraid of heights but I love rock-walls! After shooting the episode, I said we should have an after party there, and everyone loved the idea!

That’s a lot of stunts!!
Yeah, but I’ve taken a stunt class before, so I was prepared. I also do rappelling for fun, so I could do the rock wall.

How do you do all this without being afraid of the height?

I try to ignore it! I was only sitting up there for about 30 seconds, so I had to deal with it until I got to the bottom, to safety. My mum just told me to be professional in all the work I do.

Of course! But it’s only natural to be afraid of some things…
Yeah! I am afraid of spiders and I am claustrophobic, which is annoying because I just did an episode where I was in a tiny space with a whole bunch of spiders, so it mixed my two fears.

You are brave! So why should people watch Modern Family?

It’s a great show! It has heart…all the people love each other, and they aren’t just trying to be mean. It’s funny, and most people can see part of themselves in the characters. They’re realistic.

Acting is an extremely tough business. How have you learnt to adapt?

I adapted to it because I started out young (3 years old). This helped because I built up to harder and tougher things.

So you’ve been acting for almost 7 years!

Yeah! I started because my brother tried a commercial and loved it, so I started doing it too.

We’ve heard you love improv. How did you discover that love?

Our friends were taking an improve class, so we signed up on a waiting list, started doing it, really liked it and still do it today.

Is it your favourite part of acting?
No…I love travelling! That’s the best part! And meeting new people! And the catering…

Apart from acting, you’re also a Boy Scout! How did you get started in that?

At our church, there’s a Boy Scout troop. My brother was always interested, so he started and then I joined. We do a bunch of cool stuff like camping, hiking, swimming…it’s a great thing to get involved with!

What else do you do in your free time?

I do a lot of active things. I like to rapel, to indoor sky-dive, I play with my dog, go boogy-boarding…I like being outside!

What food can you not live without?
I love this one dish my mum makes called shrimp and grapes. It’s amazing, but I can only have it when someone special comes over.

Who’s your biggest role model?
Jim Parsons from the Big Bang Theory. He does the best physical comedy with his face! He’s definitely my acting role model!

If you could have any job except acting, what would it be?
I’ve always wanted to be a drummer in a band. And I also want to own a business that mass produces everything, including hotels and restaurants. It’s going to take over the world and become a monopoly. And I’ve said too much…

How can fans contact you?

(Source: Portrait Magazine)